Friday , 14-March-2025 , 02:44:58 PM
Vision: XII Plan-Defining the Goal and Aspirations
  • Developing a vibrant and sustainable farmer base by overall improvement in Production, Productivity & Product Quality through expansion of area under host plantation with special emphasis on Tasar sector. Massive programme will be taken up for development of Tasar sector in the Jungle Mahal of the State under LWE area Project in collaboration with CSB
  • Evolution of climate /season specific, disease resistant, hardy and robust Silk worm breeds (long standing issue of the State) in consultation with Central Silk Board (CSB) with assistance from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The Techno- feasibility study involving Officers of CSB and DOT(S) has been underway for this purpose
  • Establishment of a Silk Park at Malda with state-of-the-art infrastructure for overall promotion of the industry.
  • Inclusive development of rural populace, especially women and tribal by creating gainful employment through practicing Sericulture
  • Linking Sericulture with major agro based programmes of the Union Government like RKVY, MGNREGP etc for better funding
  • Thrust on Quality Silkworm Seed Production in both Government and Private sector aiming at attainment of Self-sufficiency in seed requirement in Mulberry sector
  • Intensive support to Sericulturists for construction of Ideal Rearing House & Procurement of Plantation and Rearing inputs/appliances & disinfectants
  • More coverage on Crop Insurance/Health Insurance sector
  • Thrust on refinement and transfer of Technology through necessary back-up support from Research Institute
  • Arrangement of Kissan Credit Cards for the Sericulturists
  • Arrangement of Old Age Pension for the old & infirm Sericulturists as a mark of recognition to their craftsmanship
  • Introduction of Provident Fund facility for the Sericulturists under SASPFUW Scheme of Labour Department. Govt. of West Bengal
  • Emphasis on HRD factor for knowledge and skill development among the stake holders
  • Encouraging NGOs / SHGs for participation in various activities of sericulture through implementation of various schemes
Proposed Physical target on key parameters in the XII Plan Period:
Item As on 31/03/2011 As on 31/03/2012 As on 31/03/2013 Projected Target at the end of XII Plan (2016-17)
Area under Sericulture host plant (in acre)
1)MULBERRY 32467 [Cumulative] 33874 35227 43717
2)TASAR 15320 [Cumulative] 15795 16315 16974
3)MUGA 1283 [Cumulative] 1353 1416 1974
4)ERI 1334 [Cumulative] 1523 1642 2647
Production of Raw Silk
1)MULBERRY(MT) 1885 1923.78 2018 2500
2)TASAR(MT) 40.8 43.96 43.76 50
3)MUGA (MT) 0.22 0.23 0.28 2.0
4)ERI (MT) 5.97 11.62 7.24 25.00
Employment generation in Sericulture Sector
1)MULBERRY 259736 [Cumulative] 270992 281816 349736
2)TASAR 30640 [Cumulative] 31590 32630 33948
3)MUGA 2566 [Cumulative] 2706 2832 3948
4)ERI 2668 [Cumulative] 3046 3284 5294
Total 295610 308334 320562 392926